Eco Anxiety. It is REAL.

Since I returned from YALE, to a country burning, I have been feeling a sense of absolute helplessness. A feeling in my stomach and heart that I have no control over. The bursting into tears at random intervals and even some days not wanting to get out of bed. I thought I was going mad, but it turns out I am far from being alone in this.

Turns out the Yolngu people of the North East of Arnhem land believe that a disturbance to their environment disturbs relationships and connections and in turn causes illness. This knowledge is held by Indigenous peoples all around the world. Psychologists are now labeling this eco-or climate anxiety.

I remember suffering from it a decade ago too when I was studying my Masters in Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture. Now here it is again... So if you're feeling something you can not quite describe. You are not alone. Talk about it, know you are feeling a healthy response to our climate crisis.


With Love and Lemon Myrtle Rebecca Sullivan